Operational ExcellenceBasic of Problem Solving

What is a Problem in Opex?

A problem is defined as a gap between expected response and actual response.

What is Problem Solving?

Problem Solving is an application of ideas, skills, and factual information to achieve a solution of the problem or to reach an expected outcome.

How to Solve a Problem?

There are seven steps to problem solving. This approach is based on the principle of Plan – Do – Check – Act.

The 7 steps of problem solving are as below  

  1. Define a problem (Plan)
  2. Analyze a problem (Plan)
  3. Generate a Solution (Plan)
  4. Select a Solution (Plan)
  5. Implement the Solution (Do)
  6. Evaluate the result (Check)
  7. Standardize (Act)

To define the problem (Plan), we use method of 5 W 1 H

  1. What (What is a problem?)
  2. Where (Where is the problem?)
  3. When (When did this take place?)
  4. Who (Who is responsible?)
  5. Why (Why the problem occurred?)
  6. How (How much is the problem?)

In second step (Plan) i.e. ‘Analysis of the problem’, we use tools like Fish bone diagram, interrogating the facts under 6 M’s i.e. by ‘5 Why Analysis’

  1. Method
  2. Machine
  3. Material
  4. Measurement
  5. Man
  6. Mother Nature

In third and fourth step (Plan), we ask how to generate the solution by SCAMPER method and how to select the solution. We perform by effort and Benefit Matrix,


SCAMPER stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnify, Put to other uses, Eliminate and Re-arrange

In fifth, and sixth step, we implement (Do) the solution and evaluate the result (Check). If the Implementation plan provides an expected result, we standardize the solution.

To work on problem solving technique, one needs to understand data analysis, use statistical process, and control for working. They are as below,