Covid-19 has posed severe challenges to the industry. Since the time of restarting factories in India, there has been a consistent pressure to ensure on-time supplies despite supply chain disturbances. With low workforce, the output has considerably decreased. Now during this situation, what measures can be undertaken by the companies to increment the rate of production? How should the working methodology change to overtake the problems and support the social system in this dire condition?

Before we embark on a rapid production tale, let us also realize the fact the pre-COVID efficiency was also low, and it evidently needed a dramatic transformation. What if someone promises that we can shoot up our production in a mere five days? Sounds unbelievable, but it is true! Let us understand this theory.

Describing the Condition

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Presently our industry is already suffering from bleak mechanism wherein we are in dire need of manpower to run the machines. At the same time we need to supply material to market at earliest. Adding to this pain we have unchecked wastages, and lower yields. And, the efficiency of our packaging machines is way below the standards. These elements factor into the deterioration of product quality, bringing unending consumer complaints. How do we go about producing a change to resolve the existing deficit work pattern? Covid-19 pandemic has made us think about it deeply to stabilize the management.

So, the question arises: is it possible to have a rapid productivity improvement in just five days? In such a situation, how to increase the rate of productivity as fast as one can? Can we reach the standards of production to the original and more in just five days? And last but not least, could we save our costs, too?

The answer is yes!

How to bring a rapid increment in productivity?

Observing the elements that are affecting the overall process, we can target the same to enhance the system. We can achieve this by,

·      Increasing throughput, the material that goes into the system for further manufacture, by 20 to 80%.

·      Reducing the inventory requirements by 30 to 75%, i.e. skip the admin paperwork during the processes.

·      Improving the people productivity by 50 to 100%, i.e. increase the number of workers.

·      Introducing new methods of working, which will help in lowering the number of wastes.

·      Combining processes to cut the time and manual labour

·      Bringing in new production techniques or new equipment

Let us understand this by a simple example of carton packaging

The existing methodology of packing a box involves seven steps (Fig 1).

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Now, according to the idea to bring rapid development in the traditional rule, we can combine a few processes intelligently to bring out a meticulous approach towards this unnecessary length procedure. How do we go about it?

The improvised the methodology will evict all the inventory making steps owing to the tangible product is manufactured. Instead, there will be only one list made. And, a few processes like cardboard folding, bar code and box sealing will be consolidated. From seven tiring steps, we will process the manufacturing and packaging in just four steps, as you see in the below layout

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This tool, which can bring about a radical change in the system by increasing the performance and saving the costs, is known as Kaikaku, which means break through improvement

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What is Kaikaku?

Kaikaku is a working tool in which,

•       Entire process is changed radically resulting in improved productivity and cost saving and Reducing inefficiencies, wastes and strains in the process by 

  1. Introducing new ways of working,
  2. New production techniques or
  3. New equipment.

•       Commandments of Kaikaku 

  1.  Look beyond the traditional concept of manufacturing methods.
  2. Think of how the new method will work; not how it won’t work.
  3. Don’t accept excuses.
  4. Totally deny the status quo, be ready to start new.
  5. Don’t seek perfection. A 50% implementation rate is fine as long as it is done on the spot.
  6. Correct mistakes the moment they are found.
  7. Problems give you a chance to use your brains.
  8. Ask “why” five times.
  9. Ideas from ten people are better than one person’s knowledge.
  10.  Kaikaku knows no limits.

How can the Kaikaku tool help your factory?

Kaikaku accelerates your processual factors and refreshes as well as reboots the system. The tool defines in weeding out the unnecessary elements and enforcing the real work.

– Start analyzing your factories

– Identify areas for productivity breakthrough

– Achieve them for better business continuity

– Get the desired results with rapid Improvements

5 Day Approach

• Day 1: Understand the Business Pain Area and Identify Bottlenecks

• Day 2: Discus with the team about TIMWOOD, 3Mus and make Observation

• Day 3: Discuss Rapid Changes to be made in the shop-floor

• Day 4: Make the Changes

• Day 5: Start the production on a new Setup line

There are 4 Ways of Kaikaku as described in image below.

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